Research Progarmes

TaCRI to undertake its priority activities identified in the stakeholder analysis, it was proposed that the following organisational structure was formed. This consists of the following research programmes:

Crop Improvement:

This programme is focusing on the development of high-yielding, disease-resistant coffee cultivars (Arabica and Robusta), with good bean size and cup quality.  

Good Agricultural Practices:

The focus of this research programme is to identify the best crop husbandry and integrated pest management practices that will meet the different requirements and constraints of Tanzanian’s diverse coffee farming systems.

Technology Transfer & Advocacy

The programme is TaCRI’s mouthpiece, providing a crucial role in the dissemination of results to the industry in ways that are meaningful and appropriate to different stakeholders.

Special Projects Unit:

The Socio-economics for Improved Livelihood and Income Security research programme has two units which are:

  • Special Projects Unit (SPU) and
  • Business Unit (BU).

The major activities under the Special Projects Unit (SPU) include i. Describing and understanding the diverse farming and livelihood systems in the coffee-growing areas of Tanzania, ii. Identification and prioritization of socio-economic/agronomic constraints in the coffee sector and propose, evaluate and promote possible solutions iii. Modeling production costs in different farming systems.